Guinea pigs are friendly and easily tamed if handled regularly but require more time and attention than many other small caged pets. Long haired guinea pigs are particularly difficult to look after so before you go out and get a guinea pig, make sure you will be able to care for it and provide everything it needs.
What does a guinea pig need?
Company - In the wild, guinea pigs live in large social groups so it would be unkind to keep one on its own.
A gnawing block - guinea pigs are rodents and their front teeth grow constantly throughout their lives. Gnawing blocks keep their teeth at a manageable length and stops them gnawing on items which may cause them harm.
Vaccinations to prevent illness or disease.
Grooming - long haired guinea pigs need to be combed every day to avoid matting.
Fresh, clean water daily, from a drip-feed bottle with a metal spout.
Guinea pigs should be fed twice daily with a mix of pellets, hay and fresh fruit and vegetables (washed).
A large weatherproof hutch which is kept off the ground and out of direct sunlight and strong wind.
Each guinea pig needs its own sleeping area in the hutch.
Clean hay or shredded paper should be provided each day.
A large, secure grassy area for exercising. Ensuring they are safe from foxes, cats or other predators.
Guinea pigs, like larger pets, always require veterinary attention if they become ill or injured.
Do you have someone to look after them while you go on holiday? Contact Your Pet Care Services if you would like us to come and care for them.
Guinea pigs live longer than a lot of other rodents, up to 10 years. So owning a guinea pig can be a long term commitment. If you want to give a guinea pig a home, make sure it has company, ideally the same sex and from the same litter. Male guinea pigs that don't know each other may fight. It is not advisable to house guinea pigs with rabbits.
How do I hold a guinea pig? Approach the guinea pig from the front using two hands - one around is hind quarters and one around its shoulders if the guinea pig is young, and around the chest if the guinea pig is older. Guinea pigs may become distressed if they're handled too often.
How do I check it's healthy? Guinea pigs often suffer with overgrown claws and teeth. While claw clippers can be bought from pet shops, it's advisable to take your guinea pig to the vet to get their teeth or claws trimmed. Too much scratching can result in skin problems often caused by mites or lice. Your vet will be able to provide a suitable skin treatment.
Long haired guinea pigs are particularly prone to a disease called Flystrike. This can be potentially fatal to guinea pigs. It is caused by flies laying eggs in dirty fur. By ensuring your guinea pigs home is cleaned daily and bedding changed regularly, this may be avoided. Check their fur daily and comb them. Pay extra attention to under the tail. Guinea pigs can also develop ringworm, a fungal disease which can be passed to humans. If caught early enough, this is treatable.
Can I breed my guinea pig? The RSPCA strongly advises against breeding as it can be very difficult to find homes for the young.
Your Pet Care Services can take care of all smaller caged pets
when owners have to go away.
The death of a pet can be an overwhelming and traumatic time. Considering all your options now may make decision making a little easier when the time finally comes.